Cleanse Your Colon in Natural Way!

SRP 1,200 Per Box
10pcs. Good for 10 Days
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OPTRIMAX PLUM DELITE (Cleanse your Colon in natural way)

It is a pickled plum dried fruits that helps to detoxify our body and cleansing colon in natural ways. It is contain Fat Blocker and Fat Burner to helps gain more Loss weight
to our Body...

Fat blockers. commonly contain chitosan, which is similar to dietary fiber, but is derived from the exoskeletons of shellfish. Like fiber, they pass through the digestive tract without being digested, but it also purportedly absorbs between 6 and 10 times its weight in fat along the way, all of which is then eliminated in the stool.

Fat burners. are the most popular option for those looking to shed some weight fast.
Fat burners help to increase your metabolic rate which is the rate at which our body burns calories. This allows for your body to be in a better position to burn fat for fuel.

Approved by FDA (BFAD)  No. FA-009515 and HALAL Certified No. TGM14331001

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